Breakthrough Business Behaviours – Part 3

Behaviour #3

Just to recap: behaviour #1 was about how a successful business owner puts time aside from day to day business deadlines to create business processes that attract and keep clients systematically and semi-independently of the owner’s time.

And behaviour #2 was about how a successful business owner is prepared to invest money in learning how to do behaviour #1.

Behaviour #3 is spoken about so often and practiced so little that it’s almost a cliché: a successful business owner starts out as unsuccessful and persists until they become successful.

Sometime they need to persist for years and sometimes they need to persist for decades but they persist for as long as it darned well takes to get turn their business into a wealth creating machine that benefits their clients, their community and their family … and of course, themself.

Now please note: none of my top three business behaviours have anything to do with intelligence, luck, being “discovered”, having one big breakthrough, being born to the right parents or in the right country or at the right time.

All of the above are things that you have little or no control over but the three behaviours are all things you can practice, however imperfectly, and get increasingly better at.

Success leaves clues. If you want similar results to multi-million dollar earners then I recommend you study their thinking, buy their books, listen to their interviews (Model Business Interview CD is a good place to start) and then begin to act the same way as them.

There is a lot of talk about the importance of attitude and indeed without the right attitude you are stuffed. But it’s also true that without the right behaviour, attitude will get you no where.

OK, back to persistence – a couple of observations.

The most obvious one is that people give up far too quickly. I recently heard an interview with a successful entrepreneur. He was asked how he became so wealthy. He paused and then said “Very, very slowly … and then suddenly.”

The second observation is that a reason why so many people give up on building a successful business is that they mistakenly believe that they must persist perfectly. In other words when they forget to do what they said they would do or when they try and fail they regard themselves as a loser and then revert to their old behaviours.

The reality is that no one – and I mean no one – persists perfectly. And when (not if) you fail in persisting, there is only one thing left to do and that one thing is to re-commit to your goal.

The habit of continually re-committing is the #1 separator between those thrive and those who merely survive.

Breakthrough Business Behaviours – Part 1

Breakthrough Business Behaviours – Part 2

[author] [author_image timthumb=’on’][/author_image] [author_info]Tom Poland is a serial entrepreneur and the founder and director of 80-20 Center and shows business owners and business coaches how to “get more clients, make more money and have more fun”. He is currently offering $716.83 of free marketing strategy resource at [/author_info] [/author]

About the Author

INC Staff Writer
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