Can You Get Back Pain From Sitting Down?

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Our society has turned into one that values relaxation and convenience. We enjoy sitting down in big comfy chairs at work or lying down on our big comfortable sofas. We also enjoy the convenience of constant entertainment from computers, television, and even smartphones and tablets. We also tend to perform a lot of our work while sitting in front of computer screens or staring down at mobile devices. While this has made us more efficient and modern, it may actually be causing harm to our bodies. Indeed, one of the major culprits of back pain could be attributed to our penchant for sitting down to work and play.

It is not uncommon for those with office jobs to sit in front of a computer for a full 8 hours. This is a problem for more reasons than one. For starters, most of us do not have perfect posture especially for the span of an entire work day. You are more than likely going to sit at your desk slouched over, which is an unnatural position for human beings. Sitting like that also causes more pressure to be applied to your discs and vertebrae. In order to combat this, you can simply start a regimen of walking at some point each day. If you have to take a break, walk around the building.

Of course, getting back pain from sitting at work all day isn’t the only reason your back might be hurting. It is very common for office workers to drive home (sitting down, of course) and then just take a load off as soon as they walk into the door. This does not provide any room for back health. Although a long day at work might make you feel exhausted, your body still needs some kind of activity to function properly. Simply lying down or relaxing when you get home does not give your back or your core muscles any opportunity to strengthen. It also does not allow you to loosen up the “kinks” in your back.

Additionally, our modern obsession with mobile devices has increasingly placed our heads and necks in a downward-facing position. This can cause stress on both your neck and your back especially if you have any kind of prolonged exposure to staring at your device. Whether you’re going through work documents or playing Angry Birds, it’s important to lift your head up once in a while or even play with the phone or tablet out in front of you.

Although it’s clear that we have advanced technologically beyond imagination, our technological advancements may be doing more harm than good. Again, we may be more efficient workers (and players) but the human body requires activity. Simply walking can help alleviate the pressure caused by sitting down for prolonged periods of time. Doing a few simple exercises or stretches can also alleviate your back pain. It is important to understand that the human body is not made to be sedentary and that many back problems can be attributed to that lack of movement. If you have consistent, severe back pain, however, you should probably consult a physician as soon as possible.

About the Author

William Ecksel
William is a graduate of the University of Michigan and works as a freelance writer. He is currently the chief editor for Industry News Corp and has been so since 2013. In addition to writing about the latest news, he also spends his free time writing on sport related topics.